Riyad Youssef, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Black moors are popular for their docile and peaceful nature among their owners. When you keep the black moors well in a well-maintained environment, they will do quiet will do well with your other slow-moving fancy goldfish. These fish have some problems moving around the tank due to their protruding and eyes that are not proportional.  That is why they are not suitable for outdoor ponds with fast-moving and slim-bodied golden fish. When the black moors are kept in an outdoor pond, it puts them in a constant state of stress to compete for basic resources as they are at risk of being bullied by incompatible tank mates.

These fish love having safe and secure smooth decoration and plants in their tank.  They will feel more comfortable knowing that the environment they are in is safe as they are wary of the other fish due to their appearance and lack of mobility. The black moors have the potential of making great additions to the home aquariums, and this article will give a comprehensive guide on how to take care of them.


  • Beautiful and alluring appearance
  • Draws attention to your aquarium
  • Can live in a wide range of water conditions
  • Only a black Telescope can be considered a Moor


  • Susceptible to vision and swim bladder issues
  • Need frequent water changes
  • Can be subject to ethically questionable breeding
  • Sensitive and fragile


The prices of black moors can vary depending on the source.  A black Moore that is a pet store breed is most likely to be cheaper, but it is more prone to health issues.  In ordinary pet stores, the pieces range from 2 to 5 dollars, and you are likely to pay less in a high-end et store.  The breeders will generally breed and stock more quality moors, but you will have to pay more with the prices ranging from 5 to 20 dollars, and this depends on the size, health, and appearance.


The Blackmoor goldfish originates from Asia. The goldfish were fists bred in china 1000 years ago, and the development of these fish resulted in the 1400s. The term Black Moor is a reference to a group of people who inhabited North Africa.  These fish cannot be found in the wild since they are a product of elective captive-bred fish through the years.  They can inhabit artificial stagnant, slow-moving waters of lakes and ponds.


Just as their name suggests, the black moor goldfish are black in color. Most of them are solid black, with some of them having some orange patches across the body. Young fish start pale and start to darken with time as they grow. The most noticeable part is their eyes, as they grow they gradually get bigger and seem to opt-out of the head.  Due to their large lenses, they got their alternative name, Telescope goldfish. Despite having such large eyes, they have poor eyesight.  Another distinctive feature is their round, egg-like body. This is a common feature among the fancy goldfish varieties, but it makes them slow swimmers.

One of the reasons why most people prefer keeping this species is because of the beautiful fins that they have, along with their unique eyes.  They also have fairly large dorsal and pectoral fins, but their anal and tail fins are longer and flowing. Sexing individuals can be a little difficult, and this is the main challenge when mating them. However, males are slightly smaller compared to females, but it is hard to notice. The easiest way to sex them is to wait until spawning season, which is between April and August. During this period, the males have some tiny bumps which are popularly known as breeding tubercles on their pectoral fins. The average size is between 6 to 8 inches, but they can grow larger if kept healthy.

The black moors are very peaceful community fish, and they do not get along with boisterous fish, and it’s advisable to keep them together with other peaceful species. They are not good at swimming, and due to this, it is advisable to keep them with species that share that similarity because it may find it hard to secure food if highly competitive fish are around.


The black moors are black, just as the name suggests.  However, their coloration varies as they age, and this changes their appearance from time to time.  They are born with a brown, bronze body with no telescopic eyes. As the black moors age with time, they develop their soot-black color, but this does not sometimes happen due to genetics. Some fish can lose their pigment entirely. Also, their coloration can be impaired by the temperature and water quality.


The black moors make great pets because they have a longer lifespan compared to most fish.  Under proper care and excellent living conditions, the black moor can live for up to fifteen years.  This is pretty longer than the lifespan of most of the common house pets such as cats and dogs.



These fish are easy to take care of, and as a beginner, you should not be worried about them. Since they originate from carp in the Asian waters, it is important to provide the conditions that match those particular conditions.


Black moors require a 20 to 30 gallons tank, but if you are planning to keep just one back moor, a 10-gallons tank will be enough.  If you add other species alongside the black moor, you should add 10 gallons for every fish you add and therefore, there is a need for proper planning on how many fish you intend to keep, and taking into account and their growth is very critical in making a selection for the tank. The large tanks are most preferred because they will hold more water, and this will result in less amount of water and fewer water changes.  The best choice for these fish is a long tank since it provides a large surface area which reduces the likelihood of the fish suffering oxygen shortage.

You should minimize the decorations in the tank because of their poor eyesight, which hinders their orientation.  It is also important to include some plants in the tank, either live or artificial, and they should be kept at the back of the tank so as to leave the space in the center for the moor to swim. Blackmoor goldfish are diggers and may uproot live plants, and this is why it is recommended to use artificial ones. Suggested live plants would be the ones that are common in areas with Asian carp like hornwort, which also helps to keep the tank clean. You can also choose to use silk plants.  These fish might try to nibble at the plants from time to time.

At the bottom side of the tank there should be dirt lining or gravel, but not sharp ones because these black moors will scatter them and mess around.


The black moors are hardy fish, and they can tolerate the temperatures a few degrees above the freezing as long as the temperature drops only a few degrees per day.  Sudden changes in temperatures can be fatal to the black moors, and that is why you need to always remember not to leave any source of heat near the aquarium. The heater is not needed for these fish. The water parameters should be between a range of  65 to 75 degrees F, the water hardness of 4 to 20 KH with a ph. Value of 6.5 to 7.5.  Since we say the black moors are bad swimmers, the flow of water should be slow.  The water should be changed in the tank on a weekly basis, where you remove about 25to 30 percent of the water in the tank and replace it with fresh distilled water.  It is critical to always change the water in the tank since these fish create a considerable amount of waste inside the tank which usually leave traces of ammonia inside, and they may harm or kill your fish.


Lighting is not so important to the black moors.  Most of the aquariums come with a cover that also includes lighting, and if that is your case, then you are free to use it. The only benefit of lighting to the black moors is it will help them find their way around due to their poor eyesight and also to make the aquarium a great showpiece to put on display.


A good water filter will be very crucial in helping to keep the water clean and clear. You should look for a filter that has mechanical filtration to remove floating particles and activated carbon.  The activated carbon absorbs any dissolved organic compound that builds up in the tank.  Most of the organics will discolor the tank water and give it a tea-like appearance.  The filter cartridge should be changed at least once a month because, after a month, the filter media becomes clogged and will not purify the water anymore.


The filter is probably the only additional equipment you will need to maintain these fish.  The filter is very critical In dispersing the ammonia in water, waters, detritus, and keeping it clean. It is advisable to acquire a filter that is meant for twice the size of the aquarium you possess.


The black moors goldfish are purely freshwater fish. Whenever you are putting the water into the aquarium, you should use the distilled water to ensure it is pure. You should avoid tap water since it may have some harmful components, such as chlorine.


As you consider the tank mates for your black moor goldfish, you need to put into consideration the fact that they have poor eyesight, and therefore you need to avoid overcrowding or overstocking your tank.  The ideal tank mates should be other medium-sized peaceful fish.  The black moors can be kept with  other goldfish including the;

 Veil tails



 Fringe tails


 Other than the goldfish, you can also keep them with mollies.  Pleco catfish are also kept as algae cleaners in the goldfish tanks too.  If you find that the plecos are not fit for your tank, the glass catfish and otocincus can make a good substitute.  You can also use a weather loath since it is another beneficial  creature that dwells on the bottom  of a cool water tank.

With an outdoor pond, you can keep these fish with their most famous pond mates, the Koi. If you want to include the invertebrates in your tank, the large apple snails are the best option. However, u should be avid some small species since they will be eaten.  You should also avoid purely tropical fish that cannot withstand temperatures below 70 degrees F.  While it is okay to keep the fancy breed together, single-tailed goldfish are too active to be kept together with these docile species.  Fin nippers such as barbs and guppies will not be able to stop themselves from picking at your moor’s long fins.  Generally, you should keep away any aggressive fish, and these include all freshwater sharks, bettas, and cichlids.


Black moors should be kept together.  They group together in small shoals of between 4 to 6 and will engage in communal activities such as feeding, swimming, and sharing resources.  Black moors can also live with other telescope goldfish such as red and panda telescopes.  The black moors are usually open to sharing with one another, so there is no risk of competition within the group.


This fish is an omnivore which means it consumes both plant matter and meat. The natural feed on anything they find as long as it can fit in their mouth.  This includes small insects, larvae, tadpoles, and small pieces of broken vegetation.  There are plenty of suitable foods that you can purchase.  The most common food is dried food such as pellets and flakes.  They are cheap and designed to provide a variety of nutrients. It will be easier for higher quality foods to be processed in the digestive systems of the black moors, and they include frozen and live foods.  You can buy food such s bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp, either frozen or alive.  They should be used as supplements outside the main diet.

To help the digestive system, you can provide green vegetables since they contain a high content of fiber which helps in preventing constipation. The most preferred greens are spinach,  lettuce, and broccoli. You can even use them and try to come up with your own homemade food.  The black moors should be fed twice a day, and they should be fed with small amounts of food that they can be able to finish within a minute.  This will prevent overfeeding them, which is dangerous.  It is advisable to give them small amounts of food on a regular basis since it makes it easier for their digestive system to handle than adding a lot of food once.


The black moors can only reproduce during the spring, which is usually their breeding season, and therefore you will need to accommodate these conditions in the tank. During the courtship period, the males will chase the females around the tank.  Once they are paired off, he will swim in circles around the female for a few days until she is ready to spawn. The pregnant females are visibly rounder while carrying eggs.

 During the breeding season, it is advisable to keep the male and female apart for them to gain interest in spawning.  Both males and females are introduced at the tank at the smile time.  The breeding tank should contain solid surfaces so that the eggs adhere to and oxygenate plants. To commence breeding between the male and female, you need to slowly lower the temperature in the tank to around 60 degrees F  and then gradually raise the temperatures at a rate of 3 degrees F per day until the fish begins breeding.  Under no circumstance should you surpass the maximum range of 75 degrees.  To help in inducing the spawning process, you should feed them on live food. The black moors start breeding at around 68 to 75 degrees, and you should also change the water on a regular basis at around 20percent to always ensure it is clean. The black moors are eggs lays, and as soon as the females lay eggs, the males fertilize them.  The breeding process may take two to three hours, and they may produce up to 1000 eggs. After the eggs have been laid and fertilized, it is important to remove both the male and female from the tank since they will start to eat the laid eggs. After about a week, the fertilized eggs will hatch, and after that, you should start feeding them small fry food that is rich in iron until they are able to feed on flakes or brine shrimps. After then you can introduce them to the same food as their parents.

The fry will have a dark brown color which will later turn into the normal colors of the adults after several months, which is the right time to reintroduce them into their parent’s tank.


During the breeding season, you can differentiate the males from the females since the males have white prickles that are referred to as breeding tubercles, while on the other side, the female will gain a fatter appearance because it is carrying eggs.


The black moors require minimal efforts to take care of them.  This is one of the reasons why they make gat pet for experienced or beginners.  They have rigid bodies, which makes them less delicate in comparison to similar goldfish. The black moors respond well to subtle water changes. They do not need large tanks since they do not grow too big, and this makes them an excellent choice for a beginner.  However, these features need some precautions for them to live longer. The black moors care aims at reducing the risk of damaging their protruding eyes. These large ayes also cause poor eyesight. This means you should be careful on how you decorate your aquarium you avoid causing injuries to the eyes.  It is advisable to avoid larger or sharp decorations and handle the fish delicately to protect these eyes.

You should all keep checking them from the skin and swim bladder disease, which is so common among them.  Whenever you spot a sick fish, you should isolate them immediately to prevent the disease from spreading to the rest. The black moors also love to eat anything that can enter their mouth. It is for this reason that the tanks should be kept clean always since a healthy environment is so important to them.  As long as you are gentle with your goldfish, caring should be easy.


Just like the other goldfish species, the black moors loves digging.  For this reason, the ideal aquarium for this species should have deep layers of sand and gravel.  However, the food can sometimes get stuck in this gravel and lead to bacteria s which can be disastrous to the health of your fish. You should therefore ensure that you remove any food leftovers always to keep the tank clean.  Your fish tanks should contain a filter to ensure constant cleanout.  However, you can switch plastic filters pipes to transparent glass tubes instead for better aesthetics.

You should select aquarium-safe gravel or sand. If you want to add plastic pebbles, ensure they are smooth and placed around the plant to prevent digging.  Aqua spacing can be both fun and practical to prolong the life of your goldfish.


When the back moors are well taken care of and maintained, they are not likely to get any disease.  In case this happens, there are some common diseases that are likely to infect your fish;


ICH – This is a common disease to freshwater fish that is also known as white spots disease, and if left untreated, it can be fatal

COSTIA – It is a disease that causes cloudiness of the skin.

Chillodonela – It causes be cloudiness on the skin.


Flukes – These are flatworms that infest the grills r the body of the fish but can easily be treated but, if left uncared for, can be fatal.

Fish lice – These are crustaceans that attach themselves to the body of the fish.


Dropsy – This is an infection of the kidney, and t can be fatal.

Fish tuberculosis – You can tell if your fish has this disease due to its hollow belly, and o this, there is no treatment and will prove fatal on your black moor.

After your fish has shown any signs of these diseases, the first step should be to separate them from the rest so that they do not spread the disease to others.  After that, you can consult a proper vet so as to get the appropriate treatment.  You should also remove the other fish from the tank so as to clean it and remove any harmful substances.


Blackmoor goldfish is one of the most special varieties of fancy goldfish that would make a  great pet addition to your tan. It is easy to take care of, and this makes it the ideal choice for both a beginner and an experienced keeper. Being a community fish will create a peaceful environment around your tank since they are not aggressive.  If y like a velvety black color that will need minimum effort to take care of, then his is the ideal choice for you.  We hope that this has given you a clear view of what it takes to take care of a black moor from a young age to adulthood. However, if you feel that you are ready to keep the black moor in your aquarium, then ensure that you have enough space, time, and all the conditions that we have discussed.

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